Connect : 1-1 mentorship from top CTOs, VPEs & tech leaders

Tech Leadership: Develop essential communication skills, drive strategic business alignment, or lead your team to success – the choice is yours. The possibilities are endless but the road to leadership can feel tricky and navigating this feeling is different for everyone.

We've been there! And at groCTO, we get it.

Connect with the perfect mentor and get your first FREE 1:1 session today!

Get Me A Mentor

Time to Connect !

Level up your tech leadership journey!

Are you in the stuck in the same boat as Jane, RJ or Eryn? And looking for Manager of Managers?

grayscale photo of woman wearing necklace and top
“I'm an experienced engineer but haven't had much experience managing people. How can I develop the necessary leadership and communication skills to effectively lead a team?” - Jane, Engineering Manager
man in white crew neck t-shirt
“My team gets stuck focusing on completing tasks instead of the impact those tasks have on the business. How can I ensure the roadmap delivers real value?” - RJ, Engineering Director
woman in black blazer sitting on chair
"How can I shift my organisation's mindset to be more focused on business outcomes and accelerate our time to value?" - Eryn, CTO

Sounds relatable? Trust us, we’ve all been there until we connect-ed!

The secret weapon of many successful tech leaders? Mentorship.

Over 73% successful tech leaders told us: having a mentor is key to their success.

But finding the right one? Phew! Seems a lot :( groCTO Connect is giving away limited free 1:1 mentorship sessions with top tech leaders. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to elevate your career. Get started now!

Submit a Form


Reasons to seek mentorship...

To lead high-potential talents
To find the right career path
To educate myself and outrun others
Other, please comment

If you are a…

Technical Lead, Engineering Manager, Head of Engineering, CTO, or a VP Engineering

You deserve no BS, rather…

Don't be the 30% More than 70% of leaders benefitted from groCTO 1:1 Connect!

Happily connect-ed!

man in black sweater using macbook pro
“I ended up sharing things that I don't think I would otherwise have shared in any other setting and learnt so much from my mentor, Erik.” - Clarence C. (Co-founder & CTO)
“It's been a great way to find community, build professional connections with others dealing with very similar struggles & get outside feedback.” - Ali L. (Head of Eng.)
“What was immediately established is that it's a safe space, that it was okay to be extremely honest and transparent… and mentors offer valuable insights.” - Udaya P. (Sr. Eng. Manager)

Are you a tech coach, yourself? Read more about our current mentors here and sign up now!

Become A Mentor


Is there a cost involved for the mentoring session?

None. The introductory session is FREE. No hidden agendas, costs! The cost of the second session depends on the mentors involved.

How do I book the session?

Signing up is free and easy!  Fill out the registration form to get started.

Submit a Form

Can I choose my mentor?

Currently, we carefully match you with a mentor based on their expertise and your goals. In the future, the matching process will be AI-driven, tailored to your experience, needs, and goals.

What is groCTO connect?

groCTO connect empowers aspiring engineering leaders through personalised coaching and 1:1 mentoring sessions with experienced CTOs and VPEs.

What can I expect from mentoring sessions?

Mentoring sessions are conducted virtually, offering tailored guidance, career development plans, and support aligned with your challenges and goals.

Will these sessions be shared with the public?

No, they will be private and kept 100% safe as they contain highly sensitive information, including chats and anecdotes, which won't be shared and will remain private and secure. The sessions will only be recorded for our internal purposes.

I'm an experienced leader. How can I contribute to the groCTO community?

We appreciate your interest in giving back. You can sign up as a mentor and guide aspiring eng. leaders through the groCTO Connect 1:1 Mentorship Program.

Become A Mentor

If you'd like to know more details, write to us at or connect with our founder Kovid Batra at 

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